So, are you now on the path of getting rid of your dark under eye circles? In Part One, we identified what are the probable causes of your dark circles. In Part Two we discussed some solutions to help you with these causes. In Part Three, since we would like to focus on skincare first before correction, we gave you tips on what to look for in choosing your eye cream.

In our fourth article, while we are waiting for these skincare solutions to take effect (since it takes 3 months for the skin to recuperate from the inside), we’re going into the concept of camouflage of concealing.  Before the actual skill, let’s first consider one of the important points in concealing – choosing the right colour.

I’m sure you’ve seen palettes with more than one colour which further confuses you. In choosing your concealer colour, you also have to be aware of your undertone (check out the article for some ideas). Don’t get confused because it’s as simple as remembering your primary and secondary colours.

colour wheel

colour wheel

Standard colour wheel 
Concealer colour wheel
Concealer Colours

To further provide you help on which colour goes where, here’s a list of ideas:

GREEN CONCEALER – since green is on the opposite side of the colour red, it cancels any shade of red like pimples, acne scars or rosacea. For any redness on your face, green is the standard “go to.”

ORANGE CONCEALER – for people with darker skin tones, this takes out the dark circles under your eyes. This is because orange cancels all blue tones on a warmer skin undertone.

PINK CONCEALER – for people with lighter skin tones who have dark under-eye circles, pink, salmon or peach tones are more advisable to even out their face.

YELLOW CONCEALER – if you have dark purple bruises, veins that are too obvious and under-eye circles, yellow can make you look fresher

PURPLE CONCEALER – if you have a yellowish skin tone and would like to make your skin appear brighter by concealing your dark circles, a purple primer and a purple concealer would brighten your look.

Simple right? Colours are there in a palette because our skin reacts differently to different situations – especially the formation of dark under-eye circles. In the next article, we’ll help you get those products on your face flawlessly!

Are you trying out our tips? Share your experience with us and we’ll include you in our next edition!



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