After more than two years of activity disruptions caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic, The Alliance of Philippine Community Organisation (APCO Inc.) has finally met in person on the 18th March 2023 to have their annual AGM and elect its new Board of Directors. 
APCO 2023 officers

APCO 2023 officers

The AGM was held at the ACI Central at 9 Warby Street, Campbelltown and was attended by the leaders of various organisations. Some individual members also attended to witness the peaceful and orderly transition and election of the APCO Board of Directors and Office Bearers. The AGM started around 11:30 am and by 12:45 pm, the membership finally got to elect the new board of directors. The newly elected board of directors elected the following:
Office Bearers:
President Charles Chan
Senior Vice President Cora Bojarski
Junior Vice President Albert Prias
Secretary Dolly Bhorbe
Treasurer Jimmy Lopez
Auditor Marrisa Houston
PRO Rose Lay
Zenny Piosik
Willie Plan
Edna Crowe
Marilou Bautista
Brenda DeGuzman Mendoza
Glorina Papaioannou
Carmenchu Gresham 
Josephine Tada
The president-elect Charles Chan has promised to lead with honesty, integrity, decency, transparency and compassion.
His elected team will remain focused on delivering community service to the Filipino-Australian community here in Sydney NSW, in Australia and also in the Philippines.
Charles said that together with his fellow officers and directors, he will be reaching out to "our Kababayans in the regional areas and also to the many youths, overseas students in particular who long to be a part of a Filipino organisation that promotes Filipino culture, values and tradition."
A membership expansion will become an integral part of ensuring the survival and the continuation of APCO, he said.
The APCO Inc team is looking forward to meeting its old and new members, and to listen and act on how it can better serve the community. 
The Australian Filipina wishes to congratulate the 2023 officers and directors and wish them good luck with their endeavours during their term in office.
Note: The organisation is distinct from a similarly-named organisation that serves the community.

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