Something suddenly came into town -
an uncommon thing now known as lockdown.
Does anyone know what it is?
It came - a product of something first unknown,
unseen; yet fierce and full of power.
It walks through streets, and we all cower.

Social distancing, a meter-and-a-half,
that’s what it calls for; be alone, but not lonely.
Whisper quietly your joy, while you ponder
or wonder why suddenly you’re on your own.
A mask – will it hide you from others masked?
Your smile, I miss, you know I do, e’en as you don’t ask.

Yet, more seriously, we can’t understand -
a cough, a temperature, a headache and fatigue,
while before we get better with some needed rest.
We stay away from the cold, we keep cozy, warm,
but it just gets worse as the days roll on.
Something is wrong, not to be lost in just a song.

At lockdown we learned to give up a lot.
We don’t hug anymore, I can’t touch you as before.
From a handshake to a fist bump, to an elbow bump,
the Wuhan feet shake of the dirty wet markets;
but as you give me a wave from across the road,
I blow you a kiss and take your love to my heart.

We are distanced, but we are closer than ever.
The core of what the family is is what we discover.
Togetherness in ISO is acknowledgement,
respect and acceptance of what is there.
I know you better, even in not too many words,
Your smile, not too rare anymore, can say it all.

There is more laughter, a sign of healthy joy;
no longer is it only a hurried chuckle,
nor a change in step like a mere shuffle.
More time is given, more time is taken,
the evening glow comes, and we’re still together.
Day is done, but not the fun, as we await the rising of the sun.

Yet, we forget not the tragic loss of some
Who knew not what it is to be a hero;
Passion in their work goaded them to give themselves
that more would still be around e’en after a virulent crown.
And He was there waiting for them to come home,
Pleased for a work well done, the rest well deserved.

After Corona’s gone, we learn that there’s much
we can live without; we can live not in excess,
we can live without being too depressed.
We are not alone, we remember others too,
Together we are one, we struggle around,
The little joys we lost, now again we’ve found.

LSwords June 2, 2020

About Linda Swords

Linda Swords taught English in high schools in the Philippines and Australia. She has spent many years working with community groups to assist and support Filipino migrants in Sydney and in other regions of New South Wales. In her spare time, Linda writes poems and stories and paints landscapes.



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