I had to wait a while after the last one.  Remembering the last one which got my heart happily pumping and my senses more alert, got me all excited all over again.

Having travelled to the Philippines earlier in the year, I was told that I had to wait four months before my next date.  After the four months, I made the meet up arrangements and turned  up for the rendezvous.  Alas, the much-awaited experience did not happen.   On the day, the conditions were not right.

Oh, I am talking about donating blood.  Blood donation is one small thing I am happy to do when I can.  You can imagine how sad I was that two weeks ago, the nurse could not find my elusive vein.  Perhaps I did not have the right amount of water intake that day.    Anyway, on Wednesday, July 8, with the assurance and care from the male nurse who firstly went through my responses to the required questionnaire, I was able to share a bag of Blood Type B+.

Aside from feeling good that in a little way I was extending help to people needing blood transfusion, I know I was also benefitting from this good deed.  There is a lot of literature on benefits from donating blood but they agree on at least five benefits:

* reducing cancer risk - according to recent studies,  regular donation helps lower chance of cancer, including throat, stomach, liver and colon cancer. It also improves cardiovascular health.

*lowering cholesterol level - reduce cholesterol level in your bloodstream by donating blood, and minimise the chance of developing common heart disease such as arteriosclerosis. Donating blood also helps lower high iron levels responsible for cardiovascular disease.

*protection from heart attack risk - regular donors have reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. It also reduces risk of stroke and heart complications such as arteriosclerosis.

*replenishing blood -  once you donate blood, the body replenishes the blood volume and red blood cells are replaced within four weeks. This improves blood circulation and oxygen circulation throughout the body. Also, replenishing red blood cells can help improve your overall health.

*facilitates production of red blood cells - as you donate blood, level of red blood cells significantly reduce. Therefore, donating blood regularly help in the production of red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body.

And there's more!!  After being asked to rest on the donation chair for a few minutes, I then enjoyed a nice cuppa tea, chocolate muffin, a small pack of pretzel, and a chocolate bar.  

So what are you waiting for?   If you have not donated before, touch base with the vampire of the good kind - the friendly staff at the donate blood centre near you!  If you have donated before, it is time to make that appointment for your return visit. 

The Australian Red Cross Lifeblood website states that 29,000 donations are required every week. A number of blood centres are open 7 days a week to accommodate people who are working during the week.   To avail of more information, go to their website:  https://www.donateblood.com.au/






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